
Basketball Drills to Improve Speed

August 14, 2018
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Basketball players who want to gain the edge over their competition will always benefit from engaging in drills that improve coordination and speed. While youth basketball uniforms make you look the part; you still need to perform at the right times. With that in mind, here are some drills that you might like to try as part of your training program. We’ve outlined a step-by-step process for each so you can try them out at home or your next training session. Coaches can incorporate these drills into their strategies to ensure team members reach their optimum potential on the court too!

The Line Shuffle

If you want to try the line shuffle, follow each of the steps below. It’s an excellent drill for getting warmed up at the start of a session, and it should help to boost your coordination and speed if you use it often enough.

  1. You need to place some tape on the floor or find a line and stand with both of your feet behind it.
  2. Next up, you should alternate between your left and right foot lightly and quickly as if you were walking on hot coals.
  3. Repeat the process for a predetermined amount of time. Ideally, you should aim to use a 1:3 exercise to rest ratio.


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Hops Over the Line

If you want to try the hop over the line drill, follow each of the steps below. The drill is slightly more intensive than the line shuffle, but you should use it alongside all the other exercises on this page for the best outcomes.

  1. Put some tape on the floor or find a line in the gym and stand with one foot on either side.
  2. Cross your right foot over your left foot in an “X” pattern, and quickly cross back and forth.
  3. Repeat the process for a predetermined amount of time. Ideally, you should aim to use a 1:3 exercise to rest ratio again.

Side to Side Line Hops

If you want to try side to side hops, follow each of the steps below. Again, use this drill alongside the others in this post if you want to improve your game and reach your potential.

  1. Firstly, you need to stand with your feet on the same side of a line or piece of tape on the gym floor.
  2. Jump side to side over the line or tape and remain light on your feet.
  3. Repeat the process for a predetermined amount of time. Ideally, you should aim to use a 1:3 exercise to rest ratio again.

Now you know about three fantastic basketball drills that will help you to achieve your potential and become the best player on the court; all you have to do is put some of these processes into action. Coaches should aim to incorporate these drills into their training routines, and all players should make use of them when training. Good luck and have a great season!!!

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